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Why train at Helisim?

Why not train with other simulator providers? Because we have


OEM Training Partnership

Helisim is in close and privileged collaboration with Airbus to ensure that you receive the latest training and information to prepare you with the knowledge and skills to accomplish your mission safely and efficiently.

We offer simulators with official OEM data packs for the most realistic and accurate training experience - no guesswork or reverse engineering.

OEM data pack

Real aircraft components

Real aircraft components and OEM support to provide the most realistic training experience.

Dallas-Fort Worth is conveniently, centrally located with non-stop flights to/from major hubs throughout the Americas and beyond - Doha, Dubai, Buenos Aires, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, and more!

Location, location, location


Competitive prices

We offer the highest quality at competitive rates – you should not pay more than the direct operating cost of the actual aircraft model on which you are training.

At Helisim, we recognize our customers as part of our extended family and the reason we exist.  We strive to anticipate and exceed your expectations in all we do. 

Unparalleled Customer Service

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