Training Services
At Helisim, we believe that simulator-based training is more than important, it is NECESSARY!
We also believe that one size does not fit all. Therefore, we are pleased to offer a variety of "WET" (with instructor) and "DRY" (bring your own instructor) training solutions to meet your specific needs.
For those looking for an FAA-approved training program with a team of experienced Airbus & Helisim instructors,
Helisim LLC is proudly partnered with the Airbus Helicopters North America Training Center under its
FAA Part 142 Training Certificate.
Main categories of training offered are:
Initial Transition/Type Rating Courses
Recurrent / Refresher Courses
Simulator Dry Sessions and Instructor Operating Station (IOS) Training
Custom WET Training Solutions
Safety Courses

Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC)
Non-Pilot Emergency Landing Training
Tactical Flight Officer Training